
Summer Lawn Care Ideas

Summertime is a perfect time to keep your lawn healthy to enjoy it. It might take some work, but it can be made easy. When you know the right summer lawn care tips to keep your lawn looking healthy, it makes it easy to really enjoy your lawn. 

There are a few steps below that can make a difference in how your summer lawn care turns out. These are tasks like fertilizing, mowing patterns, treating your lawn for pests, watering, aerating, and planting more grass seed. Below you can find tips on each summer lawn care step. 

summer lawn care


Depending on what kind of grass you have, fertilizing will help your grass kick off summer looking thick, green, and healthy. It can help your grass stay healthy through drought months and keep its green look without thinning or browning out. If you need more tips on what grass to fertilize or how to fertilize, click here. 

summer lawn care


Mowing is something everyone has to do for their lawns in the summer. There are some tricks to doing this right. In the summer, make sure to mow your grass a little longer. This will help its roots grow stronger and help the grass protect itself from heat damage. Ensure that your lawnmower is ready by sharpening the blades, raising the wheels, and doing maintenance like oil changes. 

Pesticide and Herbicide 

Pesticides and herbicides are necessary when you want to have a perfect summer lawn. Some pests and weeds affect your lawn by leaving it spotty, brown, and wilting. If you apply pesticides and herbicides preventatively, you can prevent pest and weed problems. If you don’t apply chemicals, you might notice your grass looking rough and have to treat it, doing more work to make your lawn look good again. 

summer lawn care wateringWatering 

During the dead of summer, your grass might be thirsty for watering. Water your grass weekly in the morning. This will prevent your grass from getting stressed from drought. Water your lawn deeply and soak it once or twice a week to help your grass in your summer lawn care routine. 


Aeration is a vital part of lawn care that gets overlooked. Aeration is the process of poking holes in your lawn. By doing this you will allow more nutrients, water, and air to reach the roots of your grass. Do this as part of your summer lawn care routine for great results.  


As a late summer lawn care step, seeding can be important for next year’s summer lawn. Overseed your lawn to make it look thick, green, and luscious and to repair any damage from this summer! 

A great idea for summer lawn care is leaving it all to professionals, like A+ Lawn Care. We know how to make your summer lawn perfect, while you get to relax and enjoy it!