Landscape Projects Lawn Care

Lawn Care Month is Here

Lawns are the place where people come together to hang out on a patio, in a garden on a bench enjoying the scenery, or where children and pets play. In nice weather, people look to relax and enjoy the landscape. Lawns are the foundations for communities, gatherings, and more providing a positive impact for everyone to enjoy. If you are wondering how you can celebrate national lawn care month, there are more ways than you can imagine! 

lawn care

 National lawn care month is a great time to step back and really see the benefits of your lawn, green spaces in your community, and enjoy nature. There are so many beneficial components to your lawn and not just for your enjoyment. Green spaces also have benefits like increasing oxygen, creating a sound barrier, and reducing health risks. Some research even suggests that just looking outside can increase your mood and reduce stress. That is a great reason to celebrate national lawn care month! 

 If you look at the statistics of lawncare, many people think they can handle what it takes to maintain their lawn. Many times it turns out that people take on more than they can handle and their lawn and landscaping do not get the proper care that it needs. Taking care of a lawn and making sure it is healthy is different than just mowing your lawn. Sometimes you might need to ask for help from the experts in lawncare so you can get back to enjoying your yard. Even if you do not do all of the work for your lawn, you can celebrate national lawn care month! Here are a few ideas to explore. 

national lawn care month

Some simple ways to enjoy and enhance your lawn: 

  • Doing an outdoor project 
  • Adding a birdbath or bird feeder 
  • Planting flowers, a tree, or a garden 
  • Adding new landscaping detail 

 National lawn care month is also a great time to educate yourself on new tips, tricks, and other inspirations for your lawn. A great start is setting up a routine for your outdoor work like a watering routine, mowing routine, and deciding when to aerate and when to apply fertilizer, pesticide, and weed killer. It is also important to plan out when and how to maintain your landscaping areas, trees, and other areas that might have maintenance. Your lawn will thank you! 


Contact A+ Lawncare for more tips and for some more ideas on how to celebrate national lawn care month!