With winter just around the corner, it is time to get ready for snow and cold. At A+ Lawn Care, we know that your landscape has potential year-round. There are a few steps you can take going into winter for your landscaping to emerge even better next spring. Take time to protect your shrubs, trees, plants, and garden for next year.

Protecting Your Landscape
Lawn and landscape care are equally essential to maintain the look of your yard. During the winter months, snow and ice can take a significant toll on your landscape if not taken care of correctly. Make sure to take the same amount of care when considering winter prep for your lawn. Below are some steps you can take to ensure your plants make it through winter.
Apply Mulch
Mulch is a great way to protect your landscaping from harsh winter conditions. A few inches of mulch helps with many things, especially damage, erosion, and water loss. By applying mulch, you can also protect your plants from harsh temperatures. Mulch allows plants to stabilize during extreme temperature changes like freezing and thawing. Mulch will make a difference for your landscape next spring!
Ice and Snow Protection
Now is a great time to assess what plants your landscaping has that could be easily damaged. Inspect to find any branches that might break and tie them together or to make sure to remove snow and ice from branches that are down from the weight. Make sure that brushing snow and ice is done gently as branches may break from the weight of the snow and ice. By doing this, you can make sure your landscape looks great after the snow melts.
Protect Young Trees
Put up a support and consider fencing for small or young trees. This can protect them from wind and harsh conditions as well as winter wildlife. Young trees are susceptible to significant damage in the winter from wind, snow, and ice, and a little support and protection go a long way in helping your trees and landscape stay in the best shape until warmer weather.
Prune your landscaping to encourage new growth. By cutting back plants in late winter, the plant will push out new development as spring starts. Make sure to prune dormant plants. Some plants do not need pruning, so make sure to research if your beautiful plants will benefit from pruning.
At A+ Lawn Care, we know that lawns require maintenance year-round. Contact us today for questions about your winter landscaping needs! We are here to answer all of your questions and help you with anything lawn and landscaping.