
Help Pollinators With Alternative Landscaping Ideas

When you are landscaping, do you ever consider what you can do to help bees and other beneficial pollinators? We might not think about them first and foremost, but considering them makes our environment better. It helps one with the beauty of our surroundings and helps plants grow. When we consider them, it helps us out too! 

 To consider them we have to think of a few things. What chemicals do we use on our lawns that might hurt them? What plants are beneficial? How are we harming them? Below are a few ideas to kickstart some landscaping areas that might make a difference in helping pollinators. Pollinators help grow our food supply and make our landscaping beautiful. Without them, our food and ecosystem would change drastically. If you aren’t sure where to start, there are a few small steps you can do to help them out. 

pollinator garden

Smart garden: 

A simple solution for landscaping to help pollinators is adding flowers with plenty of pollen and nectar that pollinators can supply to other areas. Native plants, flowers, and trees to a smart garden in your landscaping can make a big difference even if it is one plant. You might not consider anything beyond providing pollen, but you can create a home base for the pollinators as well. You can control a place for pollinators to have a safe spot from pesticides and a place for them to live! 


Bee Lawn: 

If you want to help pollinators, some ways would be to keep clover on your lawn. There are many ways to have a bee garden by incorporating low-growing flowering plants, plants that grow back, and plants that mesh well with grass. If you want to keep your perfect lawn look, you can plant pollinator-friendly trees, shrubs, and other brush in hard-to-mow areas to help keep an area for pollinators in your landscaping. 

pollinator Landscaping

Pollinators to attract: 

Although when people hear pollinators they think of bees, there are so many different kinds you can attract besides bees. Birds, bees, and butterflies are all very common! If you want to still help out pollinators but you arent sure where to start with your landscaping, you could do something as simple as buying a hanging planter, a birdbath, or a hummingbird feeder. This way, your landscaping still has added beauty but you can do minimal work. 


Cut back on pesticides 

If you want your landscaping to help pollinators, consider if pesticides and chemicals are necessary. It is understandable that you want to enjoy and love your landscaping, so there are options if you do need to consider the pros and cons. For special advice on this, talk to your lawn care experts. 


Contact A+ Lawn Care for all of your landscaping needs!