
Completely Avoidable Landscaping Problems

When it comes to landscaping, experts have valuable experience and advice to prevent the time and cost of making a few mistakes that might be completely avoidable.

These missteps may be an easy fix or a larger issue that might cause problems for years. Sometimes a project that you thought would be low maintenance and beautiful goes wrong. Below are some landscaping problems that are completely avoidable.

landscaping problems


If you notice the water is following a path through your garden, landscape, or yard, erosion is happening. After that, this can be avoided by constructing a retaining wall to reroute the water to a less harmful path, or getting creative with rock landscaping and putting in preventative measures.  landscaping problems


This is one of the trickiest ways that present landscaping problems. While choosing to select plants for your landscaping, it is important to pay attention to what zone the plant is supposed to exist in.

If you have improper growing conditions, the plant will not survive long. The process of digging, removing, and preparing for a new plant takes a lot of effort. Avoid this landscaping problem by testing your soil pH and choosing plants based on your specific zone conditions.

Another thing to consider with plants is placement. This crucial step in planting has many avoidable landscaping problems.

For an Instance, placement too close to other plants, concrete, pavers, or foundations can cause costly damage when roots grow into these other areas.

If you add plants to a landscape or garden in the wrong environment providing too much or too little sunshine, this is also a problem for plant survival. It is important to consider the placement of plants before a landscaping problem arises.


In some cases, dead grass & weeds are the most critical problems that you can easily resolve or avoid.  Furthermore, you can employ some valuable methods explained beneath-

By planting the wrong grass, not taking care of your grass properly, or not preparing the soil properly, you can create landscaping problems.

If you do not take all of the proper steps to plan for grass, you have already reduced your chance of success. Planning should include the type of grass that would be suitable for your zone conditions, the proper soil pH, and how much maintenance it requires.

If you do not upkeep with watering, fertilizing, aeration, and lawn care specific to the seasons, you’re time and investment may fail. Along with that, when managing weeds, don’t forget to use the proper herbicides to prevent growth and keep them away.  

You don’t have to disappoint with your landscaping concerns as your lawn is an extension of you and your home and it can be easy with the help of lawn care professionals. This can all be avoided by having the proper planning and execution of your lawn plan.  

If you experience landscaping problems, call the best, A+ Lawncare in Sun Prairie!