
Lawn Care Tips to Make Your Yard Look Great

If you are tired of looking out your window and not liking your yard, there are a few things you can do to make your lawn look great. With a few simple steps, your lawn will look better than ever with these lawn care tips. 


 1) Aerate: 

This is one great lawn care tip that will make a big difference in your lawn. Your lawn can start to become compacted from kids playing, pets running, or even debris from lawn mowing. Soil compaction is not good for your lawn. By becoming compacted, grass does not grow as well because it traps nutrients and prohibits grass growth. It also prevents water drainage and air movement to the roots of the grass. It prevents the ecosystem that lives in your soil from producing a healthy environment to make your grass greener and lusher.  

 To fix this problem, aeration is a simple process that decompacts your soil. It is a machine that loosens up the top part of your soil by creating small cuts in your soil. These holes are a few inches deep but make a big difference. By making these holes, you are allowing nutrients, oxygen, and water to flow through your grassroots and your grass will thank you.  

 2) Water your Lawn 

Watering your lawn can be easy. On your end, you just need to set up your hose, sprinkler, and timer. The trick is to know how much water you are using. For this tip to be effective, you should water your grass a few times deeply. Watering your grass one time a week will be enough if you have an inch. A handy idea to try is to put a container in your yard where your sprinklers are watering and see if you are watering the proper amount.  


3) Mow The Right Way 

First, make sure that your lawnmower is set to the right height, and that your blades are sharp. This will help the cut be more effective and make your lawn more even. There are correct heights for different conditions and types of grass. When you know what your lawn likes, you are more likely to have a better-looking lawn. 


4) Contact A+ Lawn Care 

It might come down to having lawncare experts come and give your lawn the proper care. It will be less work for you and your lawn will look amazing. From aerating to mowing and fertilizing, your lawn will be taken care of and will look lush. If you need lawn care tips, we also have those for your specific lawn needs! 


Contact A+ Lawncare in Sun Valley for your Lawn Care Tips!