Lawn Care

End of Summer Lawncare

You may not want to think about the end of summer but now is the perfect time to start preparing your lawn care plans for fall. It’s important to continue regular lawn maintenance to keep it looking lush and attractive while preparing it for the colder months.   

1.     Pull weeds when you notice them.  Weeds will suck the moisture from your grass, and in the hot days of August, your lawn needs an adequate water supply. 


2.    Mow your lawn using a higher blade setting. The hot days of August can cook your grass, causing it to turn brown. By cutting the lawn a bit higher it will help hold the moisture in. 


3.    If your lawn is compacted and water pools instead of soaking it in, consider having your lawn aerated. Aeration allows more oxygen and moisture to reach the roots of the lawn, preventing the grass from turning brown or dying. Contact A+Lawn Care to schedule your lawn aeration today!  


4.   Aim to water your lawn two to four times a week. Water either early in the morning or late evening so the water reaches the roots of your lawn rather than evaporates in the hot sun. 


5.    Consider mulching your grass when you mow. If you typically bag your grass clippings, try mulching it right back into your lawn instead. This will allow added nutrients to absorb into the soil when you water the lawn and helps the lawn retain moisture despite the heat. 


6.    Sprinkle grass seed in bare patches and areas that have turned brown. Water the grass seeds daily until they sprout. Remember to water either early in the morning or late evening so the water reaches those grass seeds. 


7.    Fall’s lower temperatures will help your lawn recover and store energy for a beautiful lawn the following spring and summer.  


End of summer lawncare does not need to be complicated or time-consuming but you do need to put forth the effort to reap the rewards. You want to reap the benefits and rewards from a beautiful lawn. 


If you live in Sun Prairie and are looking for expert lawn care, A+ Lawn Care can help you to meet your needs. Everyone who lives in Sun Prairie deserves a lush green lawn and we can help. We can offer specialized professional services and packages for every budget. Give us a call today (608) 220-2224 to schedule an appointment!